
Affichage des articles du avril, 2024

THE MOURNING AFTER reviews its discography

 Here's the start of a new section in Sacred Monsters. It's simple: artists comment on their discography ... Today, Chris from Mourning After! Many thanks to him. INTRODUCING 1988 Live recording from our 2nd ever gig in 1987. DO YOUR THING MERRY GO-ROUND RECORDS 1993 Our first official release after the withdrawn of our first LP. DOIN' ME IN DETOUR RECORDS 1994 Recorded for our 2nd LP, but wasted time in the studio meant they were released as 45's. These are planned to be released at the end of 2024 on an LP as they should have been. DEMO '95 (CASSETTE, PROMO) 1995 YOU'RE LYING / WHAT'S GOIN' DOWN DETOUR RECORDS 1995 Recorded for our 2nd LP, but wasted time in the studio meant they were released as 45's. These are planned to be released at the end of 2024 on an LP as they should have been. ONE AND ONE IS THREE FOR...

THE MOURNING AFTER : "Captain Sensible’s parting gesture to us was (...) gobbing on the windscreen of our van."

We promised you this when their album was released on the excellent Toulouse label Rogue Records! Well, at Les Monstres Sacrés, we keep our word. So here's the Mourning After interview ! First of all, could you introduce yourselves? Hi I’m Chris Blackburn & I’m the guitarist/singer/songwriter in The Mourning After. Have you played in other bands before? I was the bass player in The Tenants which were formed at our high school when we were 15 years old. We were all huge fans of The Beatles after the BBC aired their films at Christmas 1978. From then on we all started listening to other 60’s beat band’s such as The Kinks , Pretty Things , Yardbirds to name a few and covered many of their tunes as well as penning our own. first Line Up What brought you to the music you play together? The Tenant’s disbanded when the members went off to University but we all remained good friends and stayed in contact. By this time we’d spread our musical wings into the realms of 60’s garage wh...

TOP MONSTRES DU 28 Avril 2024

  Les Monstres Sacrés vous proposent chaque semaine une sélection de leurs nouveautés préférées ! Labels, artistes, envoyez-nous vos sorties à   AND THE WINNERS ARE:  1 MISTY WHITE - "Daylight" Misty White est de retour, et nous a proposé pour LMS le meilleur titre de la semaine ! FACEBOOK 2 FRANÇOIS PREMIERS -"Salamander Shuffle" Bravo, à nouveau une réusssite pour le groupe du Havre BANDCAMP 3 ALEX HARRIS - "Loose My Religion" Le morceau soul de la semaine, c'est tellement beau !   4 INA FORSMAN - "Before You Go Home (live)" Un de ses meilleurs titres est ressorti en version live FACEBOOK       5   ELIZABETH KING - "Tables In The Temple"    Troisième album pour la grande dame de la soul religieuse de Memphis       BANDCAMP       6 COLA CUBES – "Bold Street Beach" Ce jeune groupe de Liverpool ne nous fait pas penser à l'autre plus c...

DIG IT! RADIO SHOW - du 9 février 2017

       Dig It ! c'était un fanzine et une émission de radio diffusée sur la région toulousaine. Tous deux produits par de vrais passionnés, des personnes issues du fanzinat, de la radio, qui vendaient des disques, organisaient des concerts et qui pensaient humblement avoir suffisamment d'informations pour pouvoir les transmettre, « l'équipe de Dig It ! avait l'impression d'emmagasiner les informations utiles d'où la décision de les redistribuer » (Dig It ! #1 octobre 1993). C e fanzine est sans conteste un des plus importants que l'hexagone ait connu, une des références majeures de l'info rock underground. Il aura vécu 27 ans, une belle performance. Et Dig It ! c'était donc également une  émission de radio  animée par les mêmes passionnés. Elle aura permis, comme le fanzine, de découvrir un tas de groupes, artistes, labels et autres. Il nous a semblé important de rediffuser les émissions cette année, pour les trente ans de DG. ...

ANDY SHERNOFF & THE DICTATORS : "We have new album recorded and it should be available by late summer of 2024"

We've already spoken at length about the Dictators in Les Monstres Sacrés. We even devoted an entire week of publication to them! So we didn't want to miss the opportunity to talk about them again, following the release of a new digital title. Andy Shernoff was kind enough to answer a few more of our questions. Looking through your discography, we were surprised to find quite a few things we wouldn't expect to find in it. Were you always happy with your work ? Generally, yeah… Hindsight is 20/20. You learn along the way. The satisfaction is in the process. How and why did you become a producer after your career with the Dictators? I was unhappy with the production on the early Dictators records so I was determined to understand the how you make a record and get the sound I heard in my head Photo by Nikki Ishmael You were also a studio musician. Did you enjoy playing with others as much as you did in your own band, or did you feel less committed when you were only playing f...