
Affichage des articles associés au libellé ALICE COOPER

MEMORABILIA - ALICE COOPER : Hambourg, Allemagne le 19 novembre 1972

  Comme chaque fan de musique, tu as sans doute ta petite anecdote personnelle et tes souvenirs. Pourquoi ne pas les raconter ici avant qu'ils ne tombent dans l'oubli ? Tu as des objets uniques ou des récits à faire rêver ? Envoie-nous tes photos de concerts, d'affiches, de disques dédicacés, enfin tout ce qui fait plaisir à échanger avec les fanatiques que nous sommes tous !


RAMONES 1977 One of the great regrets of my life. I was on my way to see the Ramones in Birmingham – walking towards the venue – and something happened that stopped me and I never saw them. I love the Ramones because they’re so pure. I’m in a bookshop, and there’s pile of “On the Road with The Ramones” books. I pick one up and flip it open, and there is my drawing, used as a poster for the Melkweg Club in Amsterdam! Wow! I mean – how cool is that?! Naturally I stole a copy. THE LOUTS 1977 Melody Maker was very nervous about Punk, and wished it had never happened. My drawing is ok but a bit clumsy… haha! I’m talkin? You should see it now! GREGG ‘n’ CHER 1977 They had this brief disastrous marriage and an awful tour to promote the album. I was given tickets to see them by Melody Maker – the promoters needed to fill the halls for this less-than-sellout tour –so I saw them. Ahem.. well, that’s about as much as I remember about Cher. My drawing, come to look at it, is a good parody of the...

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