
Affichage des articles associés au libellé CHRIS "SICK" MOORE


Le label portugais Chaputa! Records fête ses dix ans cette année. Nous lui souhaitons un très bon anniversaire et l'encourageons à continuer dans ce qu'il fait. Pour souffler les bougies, nous avons demandé aux dessinateurs Rui Ricardo et Chris Moore - qui nous ont aimablement fourni les bandeaux des Monstres Sacrés -  de nous écrire quelques lignes.  Merci à eux et  Happy birthday Chaputa! Records !!!  RUI RICARDO I've been friends with the guys from Chaputa! for a long time before they started the label. Especially with Esgar with whom I've worked with on and off in countless graphic projects for the past 30 years. After starting Chaputa! they had the idea of doing all the covers in illustration and I was luckily one of their chosen artists to do the artwork. It's great to work with friends and fellow artists who understand the creative process and are willing to discuss ideas. The brainstorming process is always fun and we're usually on the same page wh...

GRAPHIC WORLD - CHRIS "SICK" MOORE IN INTERVIEW ! "Stay Sick, Turn Blue, Cool it with the Boom-Booms"

First of all, could you introduce yourself, where are you from and how did you discover the music we love ? Hi there, I'm an illustrator, DJ (vinyl only obviously), gig promoter, record and shellac collector, cigarbox guitar maker, bottleneck slide maker, whittler, tiki cocktailier, voodoo doodler and saw painter from sunny Brighton. I've always loved music and played guitar in bands at school but I think my unnatural obsession really started when a friend played me Off the Bone by the Cramps . Virtually all the music I love comes from them and their massive record collection. What is the origin of your nickname Chris "sick" Moore ? I started a garage punk clubnight with some mates 15 years ago (and still going strong) called "STAY SICK!" after the Cramps album. We ended up all getting the surname "Sick" like the Ramones and it stuck. Chris "Sick" Moore You like a lot of 50's genre films, what are your favourite films and how did ...

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