
Affichage des articles associés au libellé LIVING EYES


Geelong! I hear you say. What’s that all about? Well, if you like your rock raw and full of six string noise makin’ pedal abusers; knuckle dragging primitive thud; and pissed off, bored sounding throat shredders; then look no further than Geelong I say. Still not convinced? How about I throw Bored!, GOD, Magic Dirt and Warped at ya! And now that I’ve got your attention let’s jump straight into recent times. Geelong is still spewing out quality reprobates with bad attitudes & ruthless guitars. At the forefront of all this mayhem is the mighty Anti Fade label founded by Billy Gardner. Anti Fade has unleashed some absolute modern game changers such as Ausmuteants , Hierophants & Orb into the Australian rawk scene. Billy, (also known as “the man in too many bands”) has played in some of the better batterers of so- called instruments to crawl out of the Geelong scene; including Ausmuteants, Cereal Killer and Smarts . But, I want to talk about a killer rough diamond in Billy’s b