
Affichage des articles associés au libellé MIKE STAX


  The Loons est le groupe emblématique du « Psycho-Garage Beat », pour traduire simple disons qu’ils utilisent leurs références érudites du rock anglais des 60’s ( Pretty Things, Yardbirds ) en le mêlant à des influences garage US ( Misunderstood, Love, 13th Floor Elevators ) ou autres ( Outsiders ).  Mike et Anja Stax qui ont tous deux sévi dans des combos auparavant, Mike notamment dans les Crawdaddys et Anja dans les Diaboliks sont devenus le couple aux manettes du meilleur fanzine garage rock du monde, Ugly Things . Ils ont formé The Loons en 1995, comme si l’écriture ne suffisait pas et qu’il fallait repasser à l’acte pour rester pertinent.   Le groupe comprend Mike Stax à la basse et aux vocaux, Anja Stax à la basse, Marc Schroeder et Chris Marsteller aux guitares et Chris Cancelliere aux drums.  Le 5 e album Memories have faces est sorti en mai 2024 sur Munster records.   Une tournée européenne va commencer le 27 juin, principalement l’Es...


Mike Stax has been publishing Ugly Things in San Diego - California for what looks like ever. Last August saw the celebration of 40 years of UT. It seemed to be the right time to discuss with Mike and he was kind enough to agree to answer my questions The 40th anniversary of Ugly Things is such an achievement, the magazine has overcome all the essential previous ones (Zigzag, Who puts the Bomp, Creem …). How can you explain it knowing that you were never in the mainstream line ?   It’s still hard for me to realize that’s it’s been 40 years. Never being remotely part of the mainstream is one of the main reasons for our longevity. We have our niche, which is a lot of music that doesn’t get covered in other magazines, so we have built up a loyal readership by giving them something they can’t find anywhere else. We’ve never had to stay up to date with the latest trends or ‘hot’ bands. We’ve lasted by being different, having great taste and doing solid research. I know that you...

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