TV SMITH - INTERVIEW (2/2) : "I love Wreckless Eric, and do feel that we have followed a similar kind of path"

Your band, the Adverts became famous in 77. It has been quite a while since and unfortunately I think the Adverts never got the success they deserved specially considering the quality of the two albums you released. Today, you keep on playing those songs and others as a solo act mostly. And your trajectory seems quite similar to Wreckless Eric ’s one. Do you feel any acquaintance with this other maverick of English rock poetry ? I love Wreckless Eric , and do feel that we have followed a similar kind of path. We both spent a period where we refused to play our old records live because it was too inhibiting and we both felt we had to be judged on our new material. Now for myself, and I think for Eric too, we have kind of proved ourselves as songwriters and are happy to play the old songs again - as long as it’s in the context of everything with done since. Last September you have been playing in the US for the first time I think. What were your impressions of the audience you found th...