
Affichage des articles associés au libellé ALIEN NOSEJOB

INTERVIEW MONSTRE - ALIEN NOSEJOB "I once got bit by a pelican"

What is a Monster interview? Unlike the lengthy interviews we sometimes offer, it's limited to a few questions. From week to week, you'll find different recurring themes. It's up to you to choose your favorite questions, or to read the whole thing. Have fun with Jake Robertson  & ALIEN NOSEJOB  ! In Melbourne by Iso Buckley Taste question: Which artists have influenced you the most, and what can you tell us exemples about this influence? Probably bands I've been listening to since I was a teenager. Ramones , The Saints , AC/DC , The Kinks ...etc. A lot of 77 punk bands, 60's garage bands and the Killed by Death / Back from the Grave compilations. They're always buried there somewhere and pop out even when I don't want them to. Who is the artist you dislike and why will he/she never influence you? There's a lot of stuff I've spent years not liking and then I wake up one day and like it.... So, I feel like anything I say, I'll read back in t...


   ALIEN NOSEJOB : "Stained Glass " (LP  -  Total Punk / Anti Fade Rds  -  2022) (Australie)  - Garage rock Projet solo d e Jake Robertson paru le 25 novembre 2022 il a fait partie des groupes Australiens Ausmuteants, Hierophants, Leather Towel et SWAB.  Ses albums solos sont toujours bien particuliers. En voici le dernier. Punk, garage, grunge, expérimentation, hard rock ... Tout est passé en revu, l'écoute de l'album en entier vous emmènera vers tous ces horizons. LIENS : Bandcamp L'Archiviste  (Merci d'avance pour vos commentaires !) Tu as un groupe et tu veux qu'on parle de toi ? Rien de plus simple, fais-nous passer des infos sur ce que tu fais, des liens Bandcamp, Facebook, démo et autre et si ça nous plaît, nous te chroniquerons. À bientôt !

NOUVEAU ! Membres