
Affichage des articles associés au libellé RAMONES

MEMORABILIA - THE RAMONES & THE DICTATORS - at Moot Hall SUNY State College 25.03.1977

  Comme chaque fan de musique, tu as sans doute ta petite anecdote personnelle et tes souvenirs. Pourquoi ne pas les raconter ici avant qu'ils ne tombent dans l'oubli ? Tu as des objets uniques ou des récits à faire rêver ? Envoie-nous tes photos de concerts, d'affiches, de disques dédicacés, enfin tout ce qui fait plaisir à échanger avec les fanatiques que nous sommes tous !

ANDY SHERNOFF & THE DICTATORS : "We have new album recorded and it should be available by late summer of 2024"

We've already spoken at length about the Dictators in Les Monstres Sacrés. We even devoted an entire week of publication to them! So we didn't want to miss the opportunity to talk about them again, following the release of a new digital title. Andy Shernoff was kind enough to answer a few more of our questions. Looking through your discography, we were surprised to find quite a few things we wouldn't expect to find in it. Were you always happy with your work ? Generally, yeah… Hindsight is 20/20. You learn along the way. The satisfaction is in the process. How and why did you become a producer after your career with the Dictators? I was unhappy with the production on the early Dictators records so I was determined to understand the how you make a record and get the sound I heard in my head Photo by Nikki Ishmael You were also a studio musician. Did you enjoy playing with others as much as you did in your own band, or did you feel less committed when you were only playing f...


The last RAMONES Interview (The following comments are from conversations recorded in New York City and Buffalo in '76, 77, and '78. And fear not, Ramones fans, for even if this is The Last Ramones Interview, the one that will make it totally unnecessary to ever do another interview with them, this is a multi-part article which is beginning now and will be continued in future issues.) 78: Bernie: Do you have a favorite English new wave band now? Joey : Clash. I like the Adverts. Bernie: Do you have favorite songs by the Clash and Adverts? Joey : I like the album, the Clash album's great. I like "Gary Gilmore's Eyes," I like Gaye Advert, that's what I like about the Adverts.  Bernie: Do you have favorite New York bands now?  Joey : Naah. I like Suicide...I don't like many groups in New York...I don't like many N. Y. groups that haven't gotten anywhere, like Blondie they've kind of made it. But of groups around now, there's nothing a...

BACK IN THE DAY - THE RAMONES : "Merry Christmas (I Don't Want to Fight Tonight)"

Une chanson de Noël écrite par les Ramones ? Beaucoup de fans ont dû se demander ce qu’il se passait avec eux quand "Merry Christmas (I Don't Want to Fight Tonight)" sortit en 1987. Le morceau datait de bien plus longtemps. On n’en connait pas vraiment son origine. Certains pensent que derrière ce morceau se cache une offre de paix du chanteur à Johnny Ramone qui était parti en 1981 avec Linda, la copine de Joey. Peut-être était-ce aussi adressé à Linda elle-même. Une autre théorie est qu’elle est un message pour Angela, le deuxième grand amour de Joey. Durant une de leurs disputes en 1985, il l’aurait tenue violemment par la gorge. Elle en aurait gardé des bosses sur la tête et le dos comme précisé dans le livre de Mickey Leigh "I Slept with Joey Ramone: A Punk Rock Family Memoir ". Mickey (le petit frère de Joey) en avait enregistré la démo 4 pistes dans l’appartement de son frère au milieu des années 80. Cette version de Joey était plus lente que celle enregi...


T EENAGE HEAD: Teenage Head With Marky Ramone (LP Dangerhouse Skylab. Oct. 2023) (Hamilton, Canada) Frankie Venom (chant), Gordon Lewis (guitare), Steve Marshall (basse), Marky Ramone (Batterie) La très bonne nouvelle du mois c'est que le label Dangerhouse Skylab a eu l'excellente idée de rééditer cet album en LP alors qu'il n'était, jusqu'à présent, disponible qu'en CD depuis sa sortie en 2008.  Frankie Venom de retour au sein du groupe, l'idée est alors d'enregistrer les anciens titres de Teenage Head avec, vous l'aurez compris, Marky Ramone à la batterie. Et Marky ne vient pas seul, il est accompagné de Daniel Rey, producteur d'un tas de groupes Punk et Rock, dont les Ramones , ça tombe bien ! On retrouve donc sur ce disque des compos qui figurent sur les premiers albums de Teenage Head ainsi que Some Kinda Fun de Chris Montez,  First Time des Boys et deux titres qui avaient été enregistrés après le départ de Frankie Venom (sur l'albu...


RAMONES 1977 One of the great regrets of my life. I was on my way to see the Ramones in Birmingham – walking towards the venue – and something happened that stopped me and I never saw them. I love the Ramones because they’re so pure. I’m in a bookshop, and there’s pile of “On the Road with The Ramones” books. I pick one up and flip it open, and there is my drawing, used as a poster for the Melkweg Club in Amsterdam! Wow! I mean – how cool is that?! Naturally I stole a copy. THE LOUTS 1977 Melody Maker was very nervous about Punk, and wished it had never happened. My drawing is ok but a bit clumsy… haha! I’m talkin? You should see it now! GREGG ‘n’ CHER 1977 They had this brief disastrous marriage and an awful tour to promote the album. I was given tickets to see them by Melody Maker – the promoters needed to fill the halls for this less-than-sellout tour –so I saw them. Ahem.. well, that’s about as much as I remember about Cher. My drawing, come to look at it, is a good parody of the...



NOUVEAU ! Membres