
Affichage des articles associés au libellé ROCK GOTHIQUE


I got to know Gabor Nemeth through a web page dedicated to Bauhaus. At the time, I was looking for their TV appearances in good quality. At one point, it was planned to release them all on DVD. But, as is often the case in the music industry, this project fell through. So, as usual, enthusiasts helped each other out, and with his help I was able to get them. Since then, to my great pleasure, we've kept in touch. He was kind enough to share his passion with us. How did you discover BAUHAUS? I got a copied tape from a friend, it was just labeled as Bauhaus - Burning from the inside (but actually it also had The Sky's Gone Out on side A) and he told me it was sort of art rock music, although he had no idea about the art school roots of the band. Incidentally he also became an art school student later. I remember I described them to another friend as 'avantgarde'...I still like to think of their music that way rather then goth. And you know, Perry Farrell described David...


DEEP TORKEL & HIS ROCK'N'ROLL STARS  (Stockholm, Suède) - post punk, rock alternatif, rock gothique Christian Falk & Stefan Björk (basse),  Åke Eriksson (batterie), Michael Thimrén & Per Isaksson (guitare), Fredrik Jonasson (synthé), Mats Gunnarsson (saxo, clarinette), Morgan Hellman (chant, guitare acoustique), Deep Torkel Knutsson (chant), Elisabeth Hellbetty Hellman (chant, guitare) "PLAYING IT SAFE" (LP)  Erik Axl Sund Records            sorti le 9 mars 2022 Le réalisateur et scénariste suédois Torkel Knutsson se cache sous le pseudonyme Deep Torkel. Le chant évoque le rock psychédélique, Alice Cooper, Iggy Pop, David Bowie, Lou Reed ou le "Rocky Horror Picture Show". Attention, l'album nécessite plusieurs écoutes. LIEN : Contactez le L'Archiviste  (Merci d'avance pour vos commentaires !)