
Affichage des articles associés au libellé RUDI PROTRUDI


Not many people know this, but Rudi Protrudi of the Fuzztones published a fanzine in the 1970s. And he was not short of ideas! What do you think about the funny interview with the Cramps (favourite colour, etc) by your sister. It appeared in the zine " Flash In The Pan " (# 1, May 1979) ? Flash In The Pan  was a fanzine I put out in the ‘70s. I believe the Cramps slam book was in the first issue - the one that featured an article I wrote called “Does Mick Jagger Suck Cock?” I got the idea from when I was in Jr. High. We used to make up these questionnaires in notebooks and pass them around when the teacher wasn’t looking. We’d have all the same kind of questions in it that were in the Cramps one, starting with innocuous stuff like “favorite color,” and eventually graduating to “What do you think of So-and-So”…. I made the slam book regular feature in the ‘zine, later having  Lydia Lunch  do one, as well as  the Slickee Boys , but the Cramps one was, by far, the fun...


Il existe des groupes mythiques dans la scène rock, les Nomads , les Dictators ainsi que beaucoup d'autres. Les Fuzztones y ont une place à part... Leur chanteur Rudi Protrudi nous l'a expliqué ! Let's talk about your work as a drawer. You've created the record or cassette covers for Garage Sale / Sixties Rebellion / Best Of Pebbles for example. Can you tell us which artists inspire you or have inspired you? As well as most of The Fuzztones and Jaymen covers. My main inspiration was the artists who illustrated the EC horror comics of the 50s, as well as Ed “Big Daddy Roth” and his creations, such as Rat Fink and various monsters driving customised hot rods. Did you learn to draw by yourself and what is your way of working on drawings ? For example, did the drawing of the first LP take you a long time to do? My parents were both artists. My mom put a pencil in my hand when I was two years old, and I’ve been drawing ever si...

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