
Affichage des articles associés au libellé SCHNECKENKÖNICH

INTERVIEW MONSTRE - SCHNECKENKÖNICH "I now make music that I would have been ashamed to admit even listening to a few years ago!"

What is a Monster interview? Unlike the lengthy interviews we sometimes offer, it's limited to a few questions. From week to week, you'll find different recurring themes. It's up to you to choose your favorite questions, or to read the whole thing. Have fun with   SCHNECKENKÖNICH discovered thanks to Bertrand Tappaz and Voix De Garage ! Taste question: Which artists have influenced you the most, and what can you tell us exemples about this influence? Who is the artist you dislike and why will he/she never influence you? At first I had to say, that I will answer your questions for myself (Hannes: vocals and guitar). If you would ask the other members, the answers surely would be different. So my influences for Schneckenkönich musical-wise are Creedence, Skynyrd, Rory Gallagher, Roky Erickson, Dead Moon and Otis Redding. If you listen closely you maybe will find a link to one of those artists in nearly every single song of us. The second part of the question would lead me to...

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