
Affichage des articles associés au libellé THE AMPLIFIER HEADS

THE AMPLIFIER HEADS : "Barrence Whitfield was the first and only musician I thought of for singing the title track and he delivered it!!!"

Have you heard the track the Amplifier Heads recorded with Barrence Whitfield? That track alone made us want to contact them, and Sal Balgio was kind enough to give us some of his time. The Amplifier Heads Let's start by talking about the beginning of your career. You're lucky enough to hail from Boston, a city legendary for its rock scene. Can you tell us about your musical adolescence and the life as a rock-loving young man in Boston in the 60s and 70s? There was always music. My father was a musician and taught me my first chords. My grandfather on my mother’s side was a bandleader and vaudeville song and dance man. My older brother also played in bands in the 1960’s so I had all of that before seeing The Beatles on Ed Sullivan!! I grew up in East Boston and after February 1964 it seemed that every cellar had a band of dreamers making noise. Were the STOMPERS your first band? The Stompers were not my first band but certainly my first known band! I started The Stompers in my...

TOP MONSTRES du 24 Mars 2024

Les Monstres Sacrés vous proposent chaque semaine une sélection de leurs nouveautés préférées ! Labels, artistes, envoyez-nous vos sorties à AND THE WINNERS ARE  : 1 GENERADOR " Yo Adoro a Lux Interior" Hommage à Lux Interior (Cramps) par un duo espagnol 2 THE AMPLIFIER HEADS Feat. Barrence WHITFIELD "They Came To Rock" Ce groupe de Boston accueille Barrence Whitfield pour un morceau rhythm'n'blues survolté 3 THE BROOMS "Don't You Tell Me" Extrait du nouvel album de ce groupe garage portugais 4 The UNBELIEVERZ "Simple Love" Une reprise des Saints par ce groupe parisien 5 SARIFE & The ANGELS OF LIBRA "Baby When You Hold Me...