En Provence la tradition veut qu'il y ait treize desserts sur la table du repas de Noël. Voici donc treize friandises de Noël à écouter pendant que vous profitez de vos cadeaux. Joyeux Noël ! Nicole ATKINS - "The Sweetest Season" The Sweetest Season de Nicole Atkins DEAN & BRITTA - "Snow In Manhattan" Terry ANDERSON - "Christmas On Their Faces" Have A Horny Christmas de Terry Anderson and the Olympic Ass Kickin Team The WEEKLINGS - " Christmas Time Is Here Again" The KRAYOLAS - "Giddy Up Santa" Giddy Up Santa de The Krayolas The BRADBURYS - "I Love When It Snows" The Very Best of Hi-Fi Christmas Party de The Bradburys SLANDER TONGUE - "Let It Snow" SLANDER TONGUE - Let It Snow de SLANDER TONGUE (ALIEN SNATCH! RECORDS) Simon CHESTERFIELD - " Last Train To Ch...