
Affichage des articles associés au libellé THE PRIMEVALS

TOP MONSTRES DU 21 Avril 2024

Les Monstres Sacrés vous proposent chaque semaine une sélection de leurs nouveautés préférées ! Labels, artistes, envoyez-nous vos sorties à   AND THE WINNERS ARE:  1 The YUM YUMS "Foxy" Tout le monde est content de retrouver ces amoureux de power pop ! FACEBOOK 2 THE PRIMEVALS - "Killing My Buzz" On les adore, il est tellement agréable de les entendre à nouveau BANDCAMP 3 ROME 56 - "The Man Behind The Man With The Gun" Ce groupe de New York nous propose un très bon morceau tiré de leur dernier LP   BANDCAMP 4 SPELLS - "The Sound Remains" Leur garage punk est direct et ce titre est une réussite BANDCAMP       5   The HELLFLOWERS - "Little Boogie"    Ce groupe existe depuis 2015 et nous propose leur deuxième LP de punk rock       BANDCAMP        6 The SATCH KERANS – "Chantel" Le retour de ce musicien de Boston BANDCAMP


The PRIMEVALS released their new album earlier last year. You can expect to see them back on stage this year. In the meantime, they've treated us to new, previously unreleased tracks! Thank you, the Primevals ! Some notes from Michael Rooney : > She Set Me free is a Charlie Feathers cover. we played it when i had The Fatalistics it was recorded in 1994 at Glasgow Green. We used to play this a lot around then. This line up had Richard Mazda on keys and a female sax player which i can't remember. > You Burn Me Up is a We The People tune which i love. We played real well and would throw it in the set regularly. > Birddoggin' is a Gene Vincent song from mis 60's, we played this last week for fun. It was benefit for suicde prevention in a bowling club. It was a wonderful gig and we raised a lot of cash £1200 > Ghost On The Highway:  We have participated in several Gun Club tributes and we had a 45 released several years ago as an extra from the JLP sessi...

THE PRIMEVALS : We hope to get to France again in April 2024 !

The Primevals have just released a new album, so it was the perfect opportunity to ask their singer Michael Rooney a few questions and get a geography lesson! Can you tell us about your "music childhood" in Glasgow and how you discovered the music that still accompanies your life? My music childhood consisted of playing 45 records at family parties in Glasgow. These parties were lively and fun with the occasional argument and fight. We had 45’s by Them . The Kinks , The Who , The Rolling Stones, The Yardbirds that was the vibe. This music was mainly discovered on the radio or tv at that time. What were the most memorable concerts of your teenage years? I saw many concerts in my teenage years. I saw Captain Beefheart a lot and met him to on several occasions. They were amazing shows. Miles Davis and Lifetime also. The Flamin’ Groovies, Muddy Waters , Mott The Hoople , The Kinks , Dr.John , Graham Bond , Kevin Ayers , Rolling Stones and many more.. How did you experience ...