INTERVIEW MONSTRE - THE GENTS : breaking the law by playing rock n roll !

What is a Monster interview? Unlike the lengthy interviews we sometimes offer, it's limited to a few questions. From week to week, you'll find different recurring themes. It's up to you to choose your favorite questions, or to read the whole thing.

Have fun with Josh of The GENTS !

Taste question: Which artists have influenced you the most, and what can you tell us examples about this influence?

For me it’s The Kinks. They’ve been a constant influence and always for different reasons. Their songs about domesitc situations were a big influence in the writing for our current record: Afternoon Tea, Shangri-La, for me it doesn’t get better than that.

For The Gents, probably Poison Ruin. We listened to Doppelgänger a lot when we first started hanging out.

Who is the artist you dislike and why will he/she never influence you?

Liam Gallagher. Cos he never gave me a cigarette even though I asked really politely.

Intellectual question: Which 'non-musical artist (filmmaker, writer, painter...) played an important role in the way the band evolved...

We bonded over a mutual appreciation for the Auralnauts parodies of Star Wars, particularly Larry.

History question: Can you sum up the life of your group?

I moved from London to Hamburg in Summer of 2020 and started working at a primary school. Ronny is the teacher in the class next to mine, and Simon is the music teacher so we got chatting straight away. I think it was the 3rd day of school that I suggested making a band, and once I got through my probation period I moved my drums into the school’s music room, aka our rehearsal room. We’re a lockdown band: we started jamming when there was a curfew in Hamburg, literally breaking the law by playing rock n roll ! Our first gig was May 2022.

Champollion question: What is the meaning of the band's name?

The Gents is a men’s public lavatory

Buddy question: Who has helped you most in your band's adventure, and without whom you wouldn't have had the same evolution?

Leslie for doing our artwork, Yannig Malry for recording us and Wildwax for the killer gigs.

Spinal Tap question: What's the most stupid thing that's ever happened to you?

Navigating the big venues and their winding walkways has never been a problem. But I once got lost in the Komet (a tiny basement venue in Hamburg) and couldn’t find my way back upstairs. That was an impressive display of stupidity.

Question Happy Few: What's the biggest benefit you've derived from your band, and can you tell us about it?

Getting to interact with people who I never otherwise would (like you for example). I’ve always loved that snowball effect, meeting new people and bands and how the undergound interweaves and connects.

Art question: What book, film, record and current band made you flash?

We Don’t Know What We’re Doing, The Last Black Man in San Francisco, Mutilator by Illegal Leather and seeing Les Lullies live

Funny question. What's the funniest thing that's ever happened to you?

A fan of one of my old bands sent me a life sized, extremely realistic knitted Josh doll. When I opened the box it sprung out like a jack in the box and it was definitely one of the funniest/most harrowing things that’s ever happened to me.

Camembert question: What's France to you, apart from the land of wine and cheese? 

I’ve only been to France when touring, so it’s viewed through that rose tinted lens… When I think of France I think of being in La Rochelle and everyone skating, playing music and broadcasting infectious feelings of freedom.

Sponsorship question: Who can you sponsor for Les Monstres Sacrés, and how can you convince us to talk about them? 

The Golden Shitters. They’re our Canadian counterparts, another toilet band. Watch the video for their track Trash!

Question Monstres Sacrés : Who is a sacred monster for you ?

The Bard of Salford

Thank you The Gents !
