The last RAMONES Interview (The following comments are from conversations recorded in New York City and Buffalo in '76, 77, and '78. And fear not, Ramones fans, for even if this is The Last Ramones Interview, the one that will make it totally unnecessary to ever do another interview with them, this is a multi-part article which is beginning now and will be continued in future issues.) 78: Bernie: Do you have a favorite English new wave band now? Joey : Clash. I like the Adverts. Bernie: Do you have favorite songs by the Clash and Adverts? Joey : I like the album, the Clash album's great. I like "Gary Gilmore's Eyes," I like Gaye Advert, that's what I like about the Adverts. Bernie: Do you have favorite New York bands now? Joey : Naah. I like Suicide...I don't like many groups in New York...I don't like many N. Y. groups that haven't gotten anywhere, like Blondie they've kind of made it. But of groups around now, there's nothing a...