
Affichage des articles associés au libellé PETER TILL


En 1979, le Melody Maker a publié un hommage à Sid Vicious qui venait de décéder. Voici le dessin de Peter Till qui accompagnait ce texte. Nous avons eu envie d'en connaitre l'histoire. Merci à Peter d'avoir accepter de répondre à nos questions. Peter, when I discovered this drawing in Melody Maker, I was impressed by its power.  Was this commissioned by Melody Maker? Did you have the freedom to draw whatever you wanted? I can’t remember. If it was in Melody Maker then I suppose they must have commissioned it. They certainly didn’t try to influence me or tell me what to draw. It's both shocking and revealing of how Sid Vicious felt at the time. He had no respect for anything and it seems that you didn't want to respect the idea of a tribute either. The drawing was as punk as its subject. What was your message? Thank you for your appreciation of the image. I was thinking about the punk dance, the pogo. The syringe is essentially a pogo stick! How did you achieve thi...

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