
INTERVIEW MONSTRE - WHY BOTHER ? "Sum up our life? - drab"

  What is a Monster interview? Unlike the lengthy interviews we sometimes offer, it's limited to a few questions. From week to week, you'll find different recurring themes. It's up to you to choose your favorite questions, or to read the whole thing. We don't normally comment on the INTERVIEW MONSTRE. But on this occasion, as I read the answers, I wondered what a Why Bother? meeting with S.U.G.A.R. might be like ... Have fun with WHY BOTHER?  ! Taste question: Which artists have influenced you the most, and what can you tell us examples about this influence? Who is the artist you dislike and why will he/she never influence you? What bands influenced us?- The Turdles, The Brain Donors, Rat Willis and the Microdots. What band has not influenced us?- the band that wrote the theme to the show 'FRIENDS' Intellectual question: Which 'non-musical artist played an important role in the way the band evolved... Non musical artist that influenced us?- Guy Debord/ Pabl...


I'm collecting, 'now', some tunes I collected, 'then' as, Songs the Odds Taught Us .    Exhibit A: Bop-A-Lena ... by Ronnie Self I miss the Odds and some of the things we tried to recapture, and there were many eras, but that 65 era of Brit Invasion was primo. There is this documentary called  " British Rock Born in a Basement " which tells it all.  Actually, a rather well crafted 90 min doc with all the appropriate talking heads and arse's. Quite contemporary descriptions from the guys who knew what's what. Well done, and for those of us who'd like to be in the know, a rare treat. As the elders get elder, the word must be shared to a generation who could care less....imagine!?! Ealing Club? Eel Pie Island...and much more from  the near mythical primordial ooze. Take a Bite O' This.      The Teisco's, Harmony's and Hagstrom guitars. Jammin two guitars and a vocal mic into 1 big Magnatone accordion amp and an Ampeg bass ...

PICTURE OF YOU - DR FEELGOOD - Heart Break Hotel, Sète le 12 aout 1984

     Vous allez tous et toutes à des concerts, envoyez-nous vos photos et vidéos afin que chacun en profite ! Picture Of You  propose à chacun de publier ses photos de concerts, qu'elles aient été prises avec un appareil pro ou un téléphone, ce qui compte est de les partager pour en faire profiter le plus grand nombre, même si la qualité n'est pas tout à fait parfaite. Aujourd'hui Marc Sabatier nous a envoyé ses photos d'un concert de Dr Feelgood Merci à lui ! Un grand merci également à Patrick Higgins pour avoir retrouvé la date précise du concert.

RIP Dex Romweber

 Je viens d'apprendre que Dex Romweber a obtenu ses ailes d'ange hier 16 février pour aller rejoindre  sa sœur Sara. 57 ans, c'est jeune. Ci-dessous l'interview qu'il m'avait accordée en 2009, pour Dig It! zine. * Dexter Romweber fait partie des grands allumés du rock'n'roll, jetez donc un œil sur la vidéo "Flat Duo Jets" sur Youtube et vous verrez... L'histoire musicale de Dex commence avec les Flat Duo Jets (1984-1999) et les dix albums réalisés avec son complice Crow. Au départ K7 autoproduite, le premier album ne sort qu'en 1990. FDJ est assurément un des groupes les plus intéressants de cette époque. Le groupe est adulé par les Cramps qui l'embarqueront sur une tournée fleuve. Des gens aussi divers que Fisherspooner ou Jack White citent les FDJ et Dex Romweber parmi les groupes les ayant influencés. Jack a d'ailleurs renvoyé l'ascenseur en participant au tout récent single du Dex Romweber Duo. Le dernier album des FDJ...


What is a Monster interview? Unlike the lengthy interviews we sometimes offer, it's limited to a few questions. From week to week, you'll find different recurring themes. It's up to you to choose your favorite questions, or to read the whole thing. Have fun with HORST WITH NO NAME ! Taste question: Which artists have influenced you the most, and what can you tell us examples about this influence? Who is the artist you dislike and why will he/she never influence you? Musically, there are many influences. I can't name them exactly. I like early rock and roll, blues and punk rock. On the other hand, I like stoner rock, ska and soul. If you ask me about my favorite bands, I would say The Cramps , The B-52's, Jon Spencer Blues Explosion , Southern Culture on the Skids , Los Straightjackets and Queens Of The Stoneage . Who will never influence me musically: Beethoven, Bach, Mozart and all that shit. I hate classical music. Intellectual question: Which 'non-musical ...