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TV Smith Adverts painting on Tim's office wall by Carol Penny of The TUTS. Later became a popular t-shirt. Tim, we got in touch with you thanks to Hugh and the FAN CLUB dedicated to the Doctors Of Madness . Can you tell us before talking about the ADVERTS and TV SMITH what this band means to you ? Doctors of Madness are my favourite UK band of all time. MORE ON DoM… Richard Strange and TV Smith are my favourite two singer-songwriters. Prior to finding Hugh Gulland’s Doctors of Madness website, I was considering creating a joint Richard Strange and TV Smith website. As things turned out I instead led the creation of the two informal fan clubs via a top twenty fans favourite songs charts. The fan clubs were called The Afterglow for the Doctors of Madness (Richard preferred this name over the other option of The Sons of Survival) and the TUTS (TVSmith United Tour Supporters) . The TUTS name came from a tut I made about TV playing more gigs in Germany than in the UK. What started ou

DENIZ TEK - Itinéraire d'un autodidacte - chapitre 1

Deniz Tek a vu le jour à Ann Arbor, ville universitaire, dans le Michigan. Il commence à pratiquer la guitare en 1964. Son professeur est Dan Erlewin des Prime Movers. Il décide après quelques cours d'apprendre par lui-même et depuis n'a jamais cessé de se perfectionner.  Fin 1966 son père prend une année sabbatique et emmène sa famille en Australie. Passant l'année 1967 loin des USA Deniz ne subit pas l'influence du «Summer of Love». Il rejoint des camarades d'école qui s'exercent à jouer des chansons dans leur cave. Il intègre ensuite le groupe de Roger Miller (futur Mission of Burma ) avec qui il s'entraine à jouer des chansons des Kinks. Roger Miller est l'ainé des jumeaux Larry et Ben qui seront membres de Destroy All Monsters première formule.  A l'université il joue  brièvement avec Suzy & the Pimps puis pratique le blues avec The Blue Front .  Pour découvrir de  nouveaux horizons, par besoin d'indépendance, il quitte le Michigan et

TV SMITH - INTERVIEW (1/2) : "the thing that turned everything upside down for me was seeing the Sex Pistols"

  TV SMITH (Photo : Martin von Hadel) We've already told you a lot about him, and he even topped our Top Monstres list with an extract from Handwriting , his latest album. He was kind enough to answer a few questions... What's your relationship with France? Have you toured here often? Do you have any special memories of this country? I spent a lot of time in France in the ’90s, soon after I started playing solo.The label I was with at the time in the UK had a connection with a guy in Paris called Thierry Kherhornou, who formed his own little label called Datcha and released one of my CDs “ Immortal Rich ” on it. We spent some weeks together touring around France playing little venues and making in-store appearances, as well as playing a few festivals and a few supports - “Noir Désir” for example. I got to know France and the music scene there pretty well around that time, but it all kind of fizzled out and I’ve had very few gig opportunities there since then. I’ve always thoug


C'est à travers le FAN CLUB consacré à TV SMITH et aux ADVERTS que nous avons eu la chance d'entrer en contact avec Dave Thompson. Ce journaliste a collaboré à MOJO, GOLDMINE, Q, ROLLING STONE, MELODY MAKER et beaucoup d'autres magasines. Il a également publié énormément de livres consacrés à beaucoup d'artistes que nous adorons (voir la bibliographie après l'interview). Merci à Tim de nous avoir mis en contact avec Dave et merci à Dave pour le temps qu'il nous a accordé. Let's start at the beginning, you were born in the 60's, so you were surely rocked by the wonderful music of all those English bands of the time. What are your memories of it ? Can you tell us about your discovery of the world of childhood through your musical memories? Music was always on in the house, either the radio… I grew up on pirate radio and BBC radio comedies; or my mother playing records ( Merseybeat , Cliff Richard , etc), One of my earliest memories… I’d have been three, g