INTERVIEW MONSTRE - WHY BOTHER ? "Sum up our life? - drab"

What is a Monster interview? Unlike the lengthy interviews we sometimes offer, it's limited to a few questions. From week to week, you'll find different recurring themes. It's up to you to choose your favorite questions, or to read the whole thing. We don't normally comment on the INTERVIEW MONSTRE. But on this occasion, as I read the answers, I wondered what a Why Bother? meeting with S.U.G.A.R. might be like ... Have fun with WHY BOTHER? ! Taste question: Which artists have influenced you the most, and what can you tell us examples about this influence? Who is the artist you dislike and why will he/she never influence you? What bands influenced us?- The Turdles, The Brain Donors, Rat Willis and the Microdots. What band has not influenced us?- the band that wrote the theme to the show 'FRIENDS' Intellectual question: Which 'non-musical artist played an important role in the way the band evolved... Non musical artist that influenced us?- Guy Debord/ Pabl...